After we received a request from the Australian Police in May this year (see more here), in which they wanted to censor one of our customers for leaking important data about the abuse happening in the Island of Nauru, we received another request from law enforcement in Ecuador.
Spanish original:
“Buenas tardes señores, Flokinet
Les saludamos de Ecuador para reportar que la Ip alojado en su hosting se encuentra publicando información que afecta a la integridad de la Empresa Pública del Estado Ecuatoriano, por lo consiguiente solicito a ustedes como provedores de servicio de internet, tengan a bien dar de baja mencionado foro.
Saludos cordiales,
English translation:
Dirección de Ciberinteligencia”
Good afternoon gentlemen, Flokinet
We greet you from Ecuador to report that the Ip hosted on your hosting is publishing information that affects the integrity of the Public Company of the Ecuadorian State, therefore I request you as internet service providers, please remove the above mentioned forum.
Kind regards,
Directorate of Cyber Intelligence
This time, Ecuadorian law enforcement is focused on shutting down the hacktivist group Guacamaya which leaked 400000 e-mails uncovering the cyber vulnerability of the military corps.
As a reply, we remain committed to our fight for a free press so our answer remains clear: We will not take down whistleblowers’ websites.
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