Yesterday we have received blackmailing from the so called “Armada Collective” (see email at the end of this post). This was sent in an email called “Ransom request: DDoS Attack!”
They demand 20BTC (around 8000 Euro), otherwise our networks in Iceland and Finland will be attacked by DDoS.
To state it clear:
We are not going to pay any money to those persons, as paying would only encourage further attacks.
We informed immediately the Icelandic Police, the FBI (because there are already other cases active about it) and the local CERTS to be aware of it.
To avoid downtime for our customers, we are starting to implement protections, but we have to see how it works in case of such a strong attack.
Our network in Romania remains unaffected, as our advanced DDoS protection is capable of filtering out attacks of this size.
In case of an attack which causes the downtime of your product, please stay calm and wait a moment until our protections can start to work.
Please be aware of the fact, that in case of a ddos attack, the whole network at the location can be affected.
We are working now on it, to prevent the worst case and we will continue, in case the attack starts. Please keep in mind, that such kind of danegeld extortion is a strike against freedom of the internet, which we are fighting for.
To comply with the demand would mean to give up the fight!
We hope to have all of you staying behind this decision, as it can affect you as well as it affects us.
We will update regulary our blog, Twitter
and our Network status page:
Subject: ***SPAM*** Ransom request: DDoS Attack!
Ransom request: DDoS Attack!
We are Armada Collective.
If you haven heard for us, use Google. Recently, we have launched some of the largest DDoS attacks in history.
Check this out, for example: (and it was measured while we were DDoS-ing 3 other sites at the same time)
And this:
We will start DDoS-ing your network if you don’t pay 20 Bitcoins @ XYZ(modified by us)
Right now we will start small 30 minutes UDP attack on your site IP: It will not be hard, just to prove that we are for real Armada Collective. Check your logs.
If you don’t pay by Wednesday, massive attack will start on your networks in Finland and Iceland, price to stop will increase to 40 BTC and will go up 2 BTC for every hour of attack.
In addition, we will be contacting affected customers to explain why they are down and recommend them to move to OVH. We will do the same on social networks.
Our attacks are extremely powerful – sometimes over 1 Tbps per second.
Prevent it all with just 20 BTC @ XYZ(modified by us)
Do not reply, we will not read. Pay and we will know its you. AND YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN HEAR FROM US!
And nobody will ever know you cooperated.
Armada Collective